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时间:2024-04-26 18:00:04 来源:网友投稿

◎文/本刊记者 刘石国


本溪湖工业遗产群,被国务院公布为第七批全国重点文物保护单位,并入选第二批中国 20世纪建筑遗产名单。走进本溪湖工业遗产群,你可以看到本钢一铁厂旧址(1911 年)、本溪湖煤铁公司事务所旧址 ( 大白楼 )、本溪煤矿中央大斜井(日伪时期)、东山张作霖别墅(1927 年)、本溪湖火车站(1904 年)和彩屯煤矿竖井(1938 年)等建筑。它们当中最年老的如今已115 岁了,最年轻的也年愈八旬,可谓历经世事,沧桑百年。


Benxi is the cradle of modern Chinese iron industry. Its iron and steel have contributed to the Republic’s prosperity. Its reclined shaft coal mine and openpit iron mine were the largest in Asia. Its iron smelting furnaces were the first and biggest in Asia. These facilities not only provided iron and steel for the new China, but have bestowed us an invaluable heritage: Benxihu Heritage Group.

The Benxihu Heritage Group has been designated a National Culture Relic Protection Site by the State Council in its seventh pronouncement. It has been chosen in the second selection as one of the China 20th Century Architectural Heritages. When you come to the site you will be impressed by Benxi Iron Plant No. 1 (built in 1911), Office of Benxihu Coal & Iron Company (the Grand White Building), the Central Inclined Shaft of Benxi Coal Mine (built in the Japanese occupation period), Zhang Zuolin’s villa (1927) , Benxihu Railway Station (1904), and Caitun Relined Shaft(1938). Among these mines and buildings the oldest is 115 years of age. Even the youngest is over eighty. In the previous century they were the witnesses of the changes in China.

Come to Benxi to take a look at the Nanfen Open-pit Iron Mine, once largest in Asia, and the ice wine winery of Milan Wine Industry in Huanren. Your tour of the old and new industries will give you a unique experience from the charming City of Iron and Coal.


推荐访问:本溪 遗产 体验
