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时间:2022-07-11 12:30:02 来源:网友投稿




 联邦超人类事务局 我和手下都准备好了 我们只需要你下令行动 Me and the Boys, we"re all set up. May I please have a green light? 不能残害 也不能折磨他 也不能放火烧人 No maiming or torture or setting anyone on fire. 他妈的搞什么? What the shit?! 你恢复了公♥司♥健康的形象 You have restored a wholesome image. 董事会想让你 做超级七人队的联合队长 The board wants to make you cocaptain of The Seven. 我有眼无珠 被爱蒙蔽了双眼 I am just a man who fell for the wrong woman. 突发新闻 风暴自杀 每个人都能看见不加掩饰的我 我很高兴 I am excited for everyone to meet the real me. 我不犯错 我跟其他人不一样 I"m not just like the rest of you. 我更优秀 我才是真正的英雄 I am better! I"m the real hero. 铁锈地带的白人男性粉丝 喜欢你的演讲 White males in the Rust Belt loved your speech. 太他妈的好了! Fuck yes! 他那天只是走在下班回家的路上 He was just walking home from work. 蓝鹰把他抵在路基石上暴打 把人行道都弄裂了 Blue Hawk curb-stomped him so hard, it cracked the pavement. 他们需要你为他们发声 They need you to speak up. 我是运动员 不是革命领导人 I"m Michael Jordan. I"m not Malcolm X. 我可以把好人带进超级七人组 I could bring good people into The Seven. 但你得保持距离 她现在是我的马子 You keep your distance. She"s my girl now. 他完全疯了 He"s lost his mind. 只要我是沃特的首席执行官 他就在掌控之中 As long as I"m CEO, he"s under control. 纽曼是首脑 她算得上史丹艾德加的女儿

 Neuman"s the head popper. Pretty much Stan Edgar"s daughter, too. 我以为我们可以用正确的方式 对抗沃特 但并不可行 I thought we could fight Vought the right way, but we can"t. 我们必须按照你的方式去做 We have to do it your way. 我觉得我找到了线索 - 什么是 BCL 红? I think I have something. -What"s B.C.L. RED? 某种武器 谣言说 Some kind of weapon. If you believe the rumors, 是 BCL 红杀死了士兵男孩 it"s the thing that killed Soldier Boy. 这是我们杀死祖国人的最佳机会 This is our best chance to kill Homelander. 这是什么? - 是临时五号♥ 一剂能提供 24 小时的超能力 What"s this? - Temp V. Makes you a Supe for 24 hours. 杀他的是什么东西? - 问他妈的中♥央♥情报局 What killed Soldier Boy? - Ask the fucking CIA! 你一直都知道 可你♥他♥妈♥的从来都没提过一个字 You knew and you never said a fucking word. 你说你会一直照顾我 我恨你 You said you"d always watch out for me! I hate you. 安排你、我和小妮娜见个面 Set up a meeting with Little Nina. 这是一个非常糟糕的主意 This is a very bad idea. 不 法拉奇 这是个他妈的非常好的主意 No, Frenchie, it"s a very fucking good idea. 我们要去俄♥罗♥斯♥ We"re going to Russia. 纯金 ♪ Solid Gold... ♪ 欢迎收看《纯金》 It"s Solid Gold, 玛丽莲麦库领衔 《纯金》的唱片明星联袂 starring Marilyn McCoo. With Solid Gold recording stars 金卡恩斯 小河乐队 Kim Carnes, the Oak Ridge Boys, 威兰德弗劳尔斯夫妇 纯金舞者 Waylan Flowers and Madame, the Solid Gold Dancers, 还有特约嘉宾士兵男孩! and very special guest Soldier Boy!

 Fab Five Freddy told me everybody"s fly ♪ DJ spinning, I said, "My, my" ♪ lash is fast, Flash is cool ♪ François c"est pas, Flash ain"t no dude ♪ And you don"t stop, sure shot ♪ Go out to the parking lot ♪ get in your car and you drive real far ♪ And you drive all night and then you see a light ♪ It comes right down and lands on the ground ♪ out comes a man from Mars ♪ you try to run, but he"s got a gun ♪ he shoots you dead, d he eats your head ♪ And then you"re in the man from Mars ♪ go out at night, eating cars ♪ eat Cadillacs, Lincolns, too... ♪ You keep on eating cars ♪ ♪ Then when there"s no more cars, you go ♪ 冷静点 All right. Keep your hair on. 你在用五号♥化合物! - 临时五号♥ You"re on V. -Temporary V. 效力勉强能持续 24 小时 Barely lasts 24 hours. 你从哪里弄到的? Where"d you even get it? 某个网站上 下面坚挺了好几天 One of them websites.

 Boners for days. 别 别他妈的跟我开玩笑 No, no, no, no, no. None of your smirky shit. 我只用了一剂 好吗? I only had one dose. All right? 火♥药♥死了 我们得到了 想要得到的情报 别再追究了 Gunpowder"s dead. We know what we need to know. End of. 等等...你... Wait, wait, you-you-you... 你杀了火♥药♥? you killed... Gunpowder? 用超能力? With powers? You... 你有超能力? You had superpowers? 听着 我们休息一下 好吗?

 Oh, look, let"s just give it a rest, all right? 药劲儿过了 我很好 It"s over. I"m fine. 等等 其他人知道吗? Wait, wait, d-d-do the others know? 不 他们不知道 No, they do not. 如果他们发现 And if they find out, 我就把你打到昏迷不醒 I"ll put you in a fucking coma. 不 你说得对 你似乎完全没问题 Yeah, no, you"re right. You seem t-totally fine. 《纽♥约♥时♥报♥》恶毒攻击 你的生日特别节目 So, The New York Times viciously attacked your birthday telecast, 原文说... - 是的 saying, and I quote, “看到一个如此强大的人 被激怒到如此程度 太可怕了” "It"s scary to see a man that strong that riled up." 好吧 我是被激怒了 Yeah, well, I am riled up. 的确是 我厌倦了 I am. I am sick and tired of the lies 主流媒体兜售的谎言 - 好 peddled by the mainstream media. -Look, 但真正的问题是 卡姆 这些攻击的幕后黑手是谁? the real question here, Cam: Who"s behind these attacks? 谁在试图让我保持缄默? Who is trying to silence me? 也许是你演讲中 提到的那些有钱有势的人 Maybe the rich and powerful forces you mentioned 我觉得 你的演讲充满勇气 in your, I thought, courageous speech. 谢谢 Thank you. 他们是谁? Who are they? 大多数情况下 他们是你从未听说过的人 Well, look, for the most part, they"re people you"ve never heard of, 但他们暗中操纵 but they operate in the shadows,

 他们是掌控局面的人 and they are the ones pulling the strings. 不幸的是 他们无处不在 And unfortunately, they"re everywhere. 甚至在沃特内部也有 Even inside of Vought. 抱歉 他们没有燕麦奶了 Sorry, they were out of oat milk. 你怎么来了? - 我不能一时兴起 过来看看吗? Uh, what are you doing here? -I can"t drop by on a whim? 你做事从不随心所欲 You never do anything on a whim. 你不是认真的吧 You can"t be serious. 我们从不追查祖国人 这实际上是联邦政策 We never go after Homelander. It is practically federal policy. 没有什么追查之说 No one is going after anyone. 只是温和地提醒他 要他知道谁说了算 Just a gentle reminder of who"s in charge. 我猜你今天早上看到他的采访了? I assume you saw him on Cameron Coleman this morning? 他在试探底线 He"s testing boundaries. 这种情况发生时 你必须管教他们 And when that happens, you have to discipline them 就像父母一样 like, well, like a parent would. 就像管教佐伊一样 Like with Zoe. 佐伊不会扯出我的脊椎 Zoe won"t rip my spine out. 不要反应过度 Let"s not overreact. 他在那次生日演讲中爆了粗口 He used foul language during that birthday rant. 你发表公开声明 So you make a public statement. 严厉谴责一下 联邦通信委员 会罚些款 没什么严重的惩罚 A stern reprimand, some FCC fines, nothing serious. 只是提醒一下

 Just a reminder that 他无法逃脱任何责任 he can"t get away with anything. 他铁定会喜欢的 He"s gonna love that. 你会很安全的 You"ll be perfectly safe. 佐伊呢? And Zoe? 尤其是佐伊 Especially Zoe. 祖国人可能会吼两声 但他不会咬人 Homelander might bark a little, but he won"t bite. 他还是怕我的 He"s still afraid of me. 我永远不会让你或佐伊出事 I would never let anything happen to you or Zoe. 你知道的 对吧? You know that, right? 当然 Yeah, yes, of course. 先生们 Gents. 你好 Hello, hello. 你一定是妮娜 You must be Nina. 威廉布彻尔 William Butcher. 谢尔盖 你怎么不告诉我他这么帅? Sergei, why you not tell me he"s so delicious? 我正在做俄式水饺 想吃的话请随意 I am making some pelmeni if you want. 当然 我的厨艺远不如谢尔盖 Of course, I cannot cook like my Sergei. 他的豆焖肉都让我吃出高♥潮♥了 His cassoulet? Made me come. 你把他从我身边挖走了 我还是有点不高兴 I"m still a bit upset you stole him from me. 我们为他提供的条件 更好些 不是吗? Well, we offered him a better home, didn"t we?

 您大驾光临是为了什么呢? So, to what do I owe this pleasure? 我在找某种特定的技术 I"m after a particular bit of tech. 一种武器 你应该对它有所了解 A weapon, you"ll not be surprised to hear. 我觉得你和你克里姆林宫的伙伴们 也许帮得上忙 And I thought you and your mates at the Kremlin might be able to help. 真是过奖 - 我说事实而已 亲爱的 That"s giving me some credit. -Where it"s due, love. 听说你给几位顾客录了像 Way I heard it, you filmed a couple of punters 内政部的人在你的尿液中尽情嬉戏 from the Interior Ministry having a right old frolic under your golden shower. 这是为雪丽还的债 That"s to cover Cherie"s debt. 因为给你添麻烦了 又加了一万美元 Plus a hundred grand for your troubles. 局里知道 你把他们合法的钱给了我吗? Does your Bureau know you"re giving me their nice clean money? 这可是美国政♥府♥ 亲爱的 Well, it"s the U.S. Government, love. 他们会印更多钞票的 They"ll just print more. 好吧 那笔钱算是 补偿了给我带来的“麻烦” Yeah, the money is good for my trouble, 那我的痛苦呢? but what about my pain and suffering? 还有花费的时间和遭受的压力 Then there is the time spent and my stress. 我一直都睡不好 I have been sleeping so poorly. 怎么才能减轻你的痛苦呢? And what would ease your pain? 雪丽 - 不行 Cherie. -Non. 绝对不... - 我就想要她 No way. -That is all I want. 我和你 我们才刚刚开始 亲爱的 You and I, we"re just getting started, dear love. 别告诉我没有回旋的余地

 Don"t tell me there ain"t no, uh... wiggle room. 布彻尔先生 听着... - 法兰奇 M"sieu Charcutier... - Frenchie. 该向全世界公布了 It"s time we let the world know. 我和星光相爱了 Starlight and I are in love. 标签 祖国人与星光 ♪Homelight. 什么时候播出? - 今晚 When"s it air? - Um, tonight. “标签 祖国人与星光”? ♪Homelight? 你同意了吗? - 就像你说的 休伊 You agreed to this? -It"s like what you said, Hughie: “不惜一切代价” 这是... whatever it takes. This is... 这就是代价 This is what it takes. 会没事的 It"s gonna be okay. 真的 Really. 这一次 让我救你吧 Let me save you for once. 休伊 Hughie. 必须成功 This has to work. 会成功的 It"ll work. 什么会成功? What"ll work? 我的沃特扬声器的设置 对不起 你是怎么进来的? Uh, my VoughtSonic speaker setup. I"m sorry, uh, how did you get in? 我有钥匙 I have a key. 我得看着点我最棒的女孩 对吧? Yeah, I got to keep an eye on my best girl, right? 顺便说一句 你睡得很熟 星光 By the way, you"re a sound sleeper, Starlight.

 看你们两个 我在开玩笑呢 Oh, look at you two. I"m kidding. 来吧 轻松点 我在开玩笑呢 Come on, lighten up. I"m joking. 但我们得走了 我们迟到了 But we got to go. Runni...

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